

Video is a fantastic medium for communicating science to audiences of all types, from scientists interested in learning how to best communicate to policymakers, to students who want ideas on career paths to pursue and how to reach them, to members of the general public who want to understand what scientists are spending their tax dollars on.



Interviews with professionals from the fields of science policy, diplomacy, and communication. What does your job entail? How did you get this position? How can young scientists interested in this work get a foot in the door? What skills should they be learning now to get a job like this later?



Hour-long workshops on Science Policy, Diplomacy, or Communication topics like “How to Write a Policy Memo”, “Data Visualization”, and more.


In A nutshell

Videos by current University of Pennsylvania PhD students, explaining their 5-6 year-long research projects, in 8 minutes or less with no jargon.



Video recordings of hour-long seminars on Science Policy, Diplomacy, or Communication topics like “Science Policy 101”.